
The Westbrook Foundation offers more than two dozen scholarships for residents of Westbrook, Connecticut, who intend to pursue higher education. Scholarships are available for both high school seniors and high school graduates. They are gifts from private donors who wish to memorialize loved ones, to recognize individuals’ legacies, and to foster interest in a particular profession, vocation, or hobby. Information on scholarships can be found below; the deadline for applications is April 1, 2025.

2025 Scholarship Applications Will Be OnlineHow to Apply:

  1. Visit the Foundation’s online Scholarship Portal which utilizes Foundant Technology’s Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) software. In the shaded box on the right is a link to “Video and Written Tutorials.”  Please watch the Applicant Tutorial Video (Legacy Dashboard) and read all instructions carefully before starting your application.  Note that some items in the Foundation’s Scholarship Portal may differ from the tutorials.
  2. Please note that the High School and Messerschmidt (for High School Graduates) application is one application where you select which Scholarship you are applying for. Scholarship applications open February 1, 2025 and are due by April 1, 2025, 11:59 p.m.
  3. Click here for details about completing the online Scholarship application.